60 Key French Phrases To Get By in France

If you’re preparing for a vacation to France, it’s important that you learn basic French. Traveling in France can be quite a challenge if your mastery of French is limited. Being able to address a few words or phrases in French to locals in practical situations will always be highly appreciated. Your French interlocutors will be grateful for your effort.

Here are some very useful key French phrases to get by in France : for restaurants, in taxis and in shops. These are some phrases for travelers in France with a beginner or elementary level. The audio file below each category will help you to train on your pronunciation, essential if you would like to be understood.

1 - Greetings: part of the French etiquette  

Greetings are considered as very important in French culture. Wherever you are, in any situation, greet your interlocutors at any time of the day. In France it is part of the etiquette, and the French can sometimes be unpleasant if you forget the magic word! If you use the right greeting at the right time of day, you will always be well regarded by your interlocutors.

1 - Bonjour : Hello

2 - Salut : Hi (informal)

3 -Bonne journée ( when you leave a place in the morning) - Have a good day ( before noon)

4 - Au revoir - Goodbye

5 - Bonsoir - Good evening (when you arrive somewhere in the evening after 6 pm)

6- Bonne soirée - Have a good evening (when you leave a place in the evening)

7 - A bientôt - See you soon

8 - A plus tard - See you later

2- In a restaurant: speak French with the waiters


It of course important to speak even basic French in practical situations but speaking skills go with comprehension skills. In a restaurant, waiters often ask you the same questions. Here are some phrases in French you will certainly hear:

·      Vous avez choisi ? - Have you chosen?

·      Qu’est-ce que vous voulez boire ? - What would you like to drink? 

·      Est-ce que je peux prendre les commandes ? - Can I take the orders ?

·      Est-ce que vous voulez un apéritif pour commencer ? – Would you like a drink to start ? ( apéritif is mainly used for drinks and not appetizer)

·      Tout se passe bien? (present tense) - is everything going well? / is everything ok?

·      Est-ce que tout s’est bien passé - Did everything go well ? /was everything ok ? (Past tense, usually asked at the end of the meal)


Here are also the main basic sentences and expressions you can use in a restaurant :

9 - J’ai une réservation au nom de… - I have a reservation in the name of…

10 - Je voudrais une table pour 2 personnes s’il vous plait - I would like a table for two please

11 - Je voudrais une table à l’intérieur, sur la terrace - I would like a table inside or on the terrass

12 - Je voudrais la carte s’il vous plait ? - I would like the menu please

13 - Je voudrais une bouteille d’eau minérale, d’eau gazeuse - I would like a bottle of mineral water, sparkling water

14 - Je voudrais commander s’il vous plait - I would like to order please

15 - Je suis allergique à - I have an allergy to

16 - En entrée, je voudrais - For the starter, I would like

17-Pour le plat, je voudrais - For the main dish, I would like

18 - En dessert, je voudrais - For dessert, I would like

19- Où sont les toilettes s’il vous plait ? - Where are the toilets please ?

20 - Je voudrais l’addition s’il vous plait - I would like the check please

3- In a store: practice your French with the sales assistants

 In stores, you will often hear sales assistants asking you the same questions:

·      Est-ce que je peux vous aider - Can I help you?

·      N’hésitez-pas à me dire si je peux vous aider - Don't hesitate to let me know if you need help.


Here are some practical and simple little phrases you can use in stores. Your effort to speak French is a good way to start a conversation and to get effective help from the sales assistants!

21 - Je cherche - I am looking for

22 - Est-ce que vous avez…? - Do you have… ?

23- Où se trouve… ? - Where can I find …?

24 - Je regarde seulement pour le moment, merci  - I am just looking for the moment, thank you

25 - Quel est le prix s’il vous plait ? - What is the price please ?

26- Est-ce que je peux payer par carte ? - Can I pay with a credit card ?

27 - Je vais réfléchir - I am going to think about it

28 - Je le prends – I’ll have it  / I’ll take it


4 - In a hotel : French vocabulary and sentences to use with hotel staff

Talking to the hotel staff is a great opportunity to practice your speaking skills. Remember that every single communication opportunity must be taken. And if you make mistakes or if you are not able to continue the conversation in French, it's not a big deal. No one is judging you and at least, you have tried which is already amazing!  

The staff usually say certain phrases or ask you certain questions such as:

- Est-ce que vous avez des bagages ? - Do you have any luggage ?

-       Voici la clé - Here is the key

-       Votre chambre est au 3è étage etc – Your bedroom is on the third floor etc..

-       Le petit déjeuner est servi de 6 h à 10h30 – Breakfast is served from 6 am until 10.30 am

Here are simple and practical sentences you can use :

29 - J’ai une réservation pour 2 nuits au nom de X - I have a reservation in the name of

30- A quelle heure est servi le petit déjeuner ? - At what time is the breakfast served ?

31- Quel est le code wifi ? - What is the wifi code ?

32- Quel est le mot de passe ? - What is the password ?

33- A quel étage se trouve la salle de sport ? - What floor is the gym on ?

34 Est-ce que le petit déjeuner est inclus ? - Is breakfast included ?

35-il y a un problème avec la climatisation - There is a problem with the air conditioning

36-Il y a un problème avec l’eau chaude - There is a problem with the hot water

37-A quelle heure est le check out ?- At what time is the check out ?

38-Je voudrais la note s’il vous plait-  I would like the check please ?

39-J’ai des consommations au minibar - I have drinks for the mini bar

40- Est-ce que je peux laisser mes valises jusqu’à…. ? - Can I leave my suitcases until… ?


5- In a taxi : a few words in French with a taxi

Another opportunity is to address a few sentences in French with a taxi driver. In addition to the destination where you are going, you can always talk about the traffic, the weather. French taxi drivers (when they are in a good mood !!!) can be very chatty.

41 - Je vais – I’m going

42- Il faut combien de temps pour aller ? - How much time do we need to go

43 C’est combien pour aller… ?- How much is it to go to…?

44 - Je descends ici - I get off here

45 - Est-ce que vous acceptez la carte ? - Do you take credit card ?

6 - Basic directions: practical vocabulary to find your way

Today the navigator on your mobile does the job for you and you no longer need to ask for directions on the street. But if you are at a train station, airport, subway station, store, and looking for a specific location, being able to ask a question and understand the words to express directions will be very helpful.


46- C’est à gauche - It’s on your left

47- C’est à droite - It’s on your right

48 - C’est tout droit - it’s straight ahead

49 - C’est devant, juste en face - It’s just opposite

50- C’est derrière - It’s behind you

51 - C’est à côté - It’s very close

52 - C’est à deux minutes : it’s two minutes away

7 - Talk about money in French : useful phrases

During your trip to France, you might want to ask for the price of an item, or you may need to confirm a payment method or simply ask where the nearest ATM is. These short sentences that you can practice (by repeating the sentences in the audio file below) will be very useful to you.


53 - Quel est le prix s’il vous plait ? - What is the price please ?

54 - Est-ce que vous acceptez la carte de crédit ? - Do you accept credit card ?

55 - Je peux payer en espèces - I can pay in cash

56 - Ou est le distributeur le plus proche ? - Where is the nearest ATM ?

57- Je n’ai pas de monnaie - I don’t have change ( be careful Monnaie in French doen’t mean money but change, it’s a common angliscism)

58 - J’ai seulement des pieces - I only have coins

59 - J’ai deux billets de 50 € - I only have two notes of 50 €

60 - Est-ce que vous prenez American Express ?- Do you take Amex ?


Practise your French with French à La Carte : In person in Paris or online

 Communicative Approach to Build up Your Confidence

Our private French lessons in Paris and online concentrate on conversation and informal interactions.

Spoken French is a key point for us. From ordering food in a restaurant for beginners to being able to converse about different topics of your interest for more advanced levels, conversational French is a priority.

If you are looking for private French lessons to interact with locals while traveling in France, you can contact us for more information.