10 Instagram Accounts To Follow in 2024 If You Learn French


By Nicole Baptista

How about combining your French learning and Instagram accounts? In this digital age, learning a foreign language has never been so easy with various learning resources accessible online!

On Instagram, you can follow a multitude of accounts dedicated to French learning. Even though Instagram will never replace a French teacher, this social network can be very helpful in helping you build your language skills with small elements of the language.

Here is the list of our 10 favorite Instagram accounts that will add a French touch to your routine!

From grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, to slang, but also French culture, food and cartoons, …there are useful resources for everyone and for each learning style!

1. French Words @frenchwords - 698 K abonnés

With almost 700,000 followers, @French words combines daily French words, idioms and stunning pictures of Paris.

In addition, you will discover appealing pictures in their “stories”, making you feel as though you are taking a road trip throughout the many beautiful regions of France. What is great with @FrenchWords is that all the posts in French are translated into English.


2. Français avec Pierre @francaisavecpierre - 281K abonnés

No need to present @françaisavecpierre anymore! In addition to being a French tutor, Pierre is also a Youtuber (he posts a video on the French language every Friday) and TikToker. With @francaisavecpierre, you will learn a new grammar point every day, idiomatic expressions, vocabulary ... @français avec Pierre offers various resources to learn the language100% in French !


3.    A Cup of French @acupoffrench - 205K abonnés

Christine , the girl who created this account, is a French expatriate in Norway. She posts engaging visuals to learn new vocabulary, words or posts to improve your grammar. With @acupoffrench you will immerse in French culture through her cultural stories: books, music, films ... If you are interested in French culture, this account is worth taking a closer look!


4. French Take Out @french_take_out - 376K Abonnés

Benjamin runs French Take Out and he is an absolute delight!  He has an incredibly funny personality so he is always mixing good humor with French learning. His instagram page is full of French vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and videos on things like ‘How to order a baguette in French’ and alternative ways of  saying ‘j’ai faim’.

5. My French Atelier @myfrenchatelier  - 365K Abonnés

Anne, a Parisian teacher runs My French Atelier.  I love that she speaks French so clearly, and many of her posts are about clarifying French pronunciation (which is essential for learning to speak it!) . Anne has many videos on grammar rules such as when to use ‘au fait’ rather than ‘en fait’.

6. Learn French with cartoons @french.toons – 64,2 K abonnés

If you are a cartoon addict, this account is for you!

With @ french.toons, you will learn new French expressions and words with extracts from well know cartoons: The Simpsons, Ratatouille, The Lion King, Toy Story… you will be reminiscing about your childhood while learning French. This account is also available in Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German and there is even a Japanese version.


7. French à la Carte @frenchalacarte_paris - 750 abonnés 

The promising account was created 3 month ago! The @French à la Carte account is managed by Julie a French tutor of the team. It offers various learning resources: grammar, vocabulary, culture. It also posts a new word a day, idioms and slang, quotes from famous French artists, grammar quizzes.

For the series addicts, Dix Pour Cent (“Call my agent”) and Lupin on Netflix, you will find the best lines from both series translated into English, that will help you understand key passages from these series!

Ideal for those who love French culture, but also well kept Parisian addresses  (the best florists, bakeries or macaroons in Paris…) If you like retro pictures (hashtag "Paris before") you will find black and white pictures of Paris mainly from the 20th century.

And if you want to take it one step further, you can also discover their website! Ideal for expats who wish to master our beautiful language to perfection.


8 - @Culturez-vous

Learning a language is also learning a culture.

 If you are curious and want to learn more about French culture, you will love @culturezvous. In addition to posting daily quizzes focusing on music, cinema, fashion or even gastronomy, art and architecture, their posts will surprise you.

With museums closed at this time (in France) you can, thanks to this account, stay connected to culture, while waiting for the reopening of museums.


9. Learn French With Clémence @Learnfrenchwithclemence - 630K Abonnés

Clémence, the girl who created this page is French but lives in Florida. Her content is extremely useful for French learners. She often posts ‘20 daily French phrases’ both in written form and with their audio pronunciation.  Clémence has heaps of videos on grammar, tenses and even quizzes for learners. I highly recommend this instagram page.

10. Street French @Street_french -141K Abonnés

Charlie runs the Street French instagram page. As the title suggests, he focuses heavily on conversational French.  This instagram page is filled with humor (which obviously makes learning more fun). There are heaps of videos on grammar tips, slang expressions and French memes!

Learn French with French à La Carte

In addition of learning French with Instagram, private French lessons in person or online can be interesting to speak French fluently. We offer personalized lessons with highly qualified native French tutors.

We offer

  • Conversational French

  • French for professionals

  • Lessons in the evening & on the week-ends

  • Immersive lessons in Paris

  • Exam preparation ( TCF, DELF, DALF)